Real Estate Debt Investing

Constitution Real Estate Credit Fund First Quarter 2024 YTD Updates

Constitution Real Estate Credit Fund closes out first quarter 2024 performance up 8.29% net. The fund focuses on generating absolute returns on low LTV non-performing and performing loans.

Hi Partners,


Thank you for your continued support as we close out the fund’s inaugural quarter. We have been busy in the first quarter, acquiring 3 Non-Performing Loans and 1 Performing Loan. We invite your questions or feedback and look forward to having a great Q2 and beyond.

Performance and Distributions

Net P/L Performance by Month Breakdown

Jan  2024

Feb  2024

Mar  2024


Current Strategy and Highlights

Pipeline and Market Thoughts

Yours truly,
Ricardo, Kyle, and Joe

500 Post Road East, Westport CT 06880

Minimum and maximum loan amount $150,000 to $3,000,000
Type of propertyNon-owner occupied single-family, multi-family, and 5-8 unit properties